Thursday 9 October 2014


Holla !!!

--------------- have many assignments to do -----------
 ----------------- have to search information ----------------

BUT ................................
how I can find the material for my assignment ??????????????
From internet ??????
how can I know the reliability of the information that I get from the internet ???????

don't you worry ......................
Let me tell you where you can get the material for your assignment and how to know the reliability of that material . 
In order to find the material for your assignment, you can go to the ezaccess(if you're uitm's student) . you can access via online database .
 you also can use other search engine such as yahoo , google and altavista.

you can find the material at anywhere and anytime you want. but, you have to be careful with the reliability of that material . 
Besides that, you can find the information via scientific journal. 

scientific journal is the source of scientific knowledge where the result of individual scientific studies are presented. 
other than that, you can find the information via the government documents .

In government document, various government agencies had collected vast amount of information based on a wide array of subject. Example of government document is national science foundation. 

To know the reliability of the information, first of all , you have to look at the URL of the web site either .gov (stand for government) , .edu (stand for education) or .org (stand for organization)

Then, you have to look at the authors . it is significant to you to know something about the authors in order to establish the reliability. this sound very daunting right ? but, how can we access the work of someone that we do not know ? so, you have to look at the source to see if it tells you anything about the author's credentials and check a biographical source. 

after that, look at the timeline. this is important to know when the information was obtained because scientific findings are happening all the time. 

lastly, check the additional references in order to check the original information by yourself to verify that it is being accurately conveyed. 

well, I think that's all for now. thank you for your time and I hope that with all the information above will help you to find your material for your assignment next time . 

Sunday 21 September 2014

Hi .

oke . today i just want to share with you about plagiarism . i'm sure that you had heard about it before . actually i just heard it when i'm in uitm . hahha . 
But ...................
did you really know what is mean by plagiarism  ?????
Or ....................
you are the ONE who DO the PLAGIARISM ?????
SO ..................
you need to really know what actually plagiarism is .

First of all , let me tell you the definition of plagiarism . plagiarism for me is when you just copy and paste information from the internet or other's work without change the word . In the simple word , you just copy and paste it . 
There are so many example of plagiarism . For an example when you had copying and pasting from the internet without wrote the proper citation . other than that , when you just wrote your name for other person's work . you do not use your own word . just copying .............and ..........pasting .......done .
All of thing that had been done must have a reason right ? so , the simple reason why student or people do the plagiarism is when they have a lot of things or assignment to do and they have no time to do all of that . So ............ they just do the plagiarism . 
For the person who had caught for plagiarism , they may be can lost the marks if they just have a strict lecture or they maybe getting kick out from the school .
SO ...............

you can read more on 

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim . .
Hye .

Since this is my fist time ever to have a blog let me introduce my self first . my name is Fatimatuz Zaharah binti Mohd Khalid . it's a little bit long name . but my friend just call me Timah or timma and sometimes timmoh -_- . hahha . 

I have 4 siblings and i'm the elder . kak yong to be . hahha . I have two younger sisters and only one younger brother . my prettiest mum's name is Madam Norhayati binti Selamat and my handsome papa's name is Mohd Khalid bin A. Rahman. 
Now , I'm continue my study in bachelor of education hons in biology at UITM shah alam . Bio teacher to be >_< .

AND the most IMPORTANT thing is I'm so dangerous . So , be careful with me .